
Unseen is a platform for individuals/small businesses to input their website and gain visual feedback on how to improve inaccessible website design providing ready to use solutions.

Problem Statement.


During my research stage, it was clear to me there is an issue with website accessibility and the long term effect this can have on a user, proven with shocking statistics.

Primary research allowed me to gain a deeper understanding on how users perceive a successful websites. All of my research allowed me to develop a platform that is focused on my user’s needs.

Opportunity Statement.

Vision to Visual.

Once I gained insights into my users through research and user journey maps, I started the design stage with low-fidelity wireframes. This enabled me to swiftly outline the core elements of my prototype and easily iterate and develop the designs.

Why is Unseen Web Unique?

Unseen Web focuses on the accessibility of a website, breaking accessibility down into seven main areas.

Unlike other website accessors, Unseen Web will visually show areas of success and errors within a website with a written description that is able to be understood by people without a specialist knowledge in website design.

Unseen Web will also design users an improved websites based on accessibility, providing a solution that can be implemented.

The Design.

With high fidelity wireframes, these are the key functions I introduced:

  • Assess Website

    This shows visually errors and successes within a website, with a hover feature for a understandable description

  • Design

    Users will be given a new website design, this will have improved website accessibility.

  • View Accessibility

    Users can view their current website accessibility and compare this with their new website design.

  • Make Changes

    This allows the users to publish their new website design.

  • Certificate

    The certificate is designed to be added to a website so visitors are provided with reassurance that the website is compliant with accessibility.


British Museum